Thursday 15 March 2007

My Garden

Look at this! Drink in this vista! A view to rival any in London, that's my belief.

Oh how the doubters crowed when, in 2003 I planted a selection of bulbs (that my Granny had sent) upside down. Oh how they laughed when nothing at all happened that spring, and they pointed as each day I would sit, waiting, imploring the soil to render some colour, some shape, some anything.

And they scoffed the following spring when Granny had to send more bulbs and a letter where she'd drawn a picture of a bulb with 'top' and 'bottom' written on it. Yeah, yeah, funny.

But who's laughing now? Now that minor technicality is resolved my garden surely rivals Kew Gardens. I may start charging for tours. It must be 1/50 of an acre, and I would throw in a fruit tea as a bonus. The footballs in the foreground can be also utilised beyond the hedge for proper 5 a side.

Ziggy sometimes pops in as a sort of unofficial tour guide.

This is at no extra charge, other than the obvious.


Anonymous said...

nice garden. i like the cat tour guide concept. perhaps i can get Pickle to do start doing my laundry.

Monica said...

Wow, you got nothing on me ;)

I may not know much about cricket but I do know a lousy outing when I see one. That was particularly sad yesterday. Nice one, Flintoff, thanks for playing!

Rob said...

Welcome to the world of an England sports supporter. I predicted this a couple of posts ago, including Fred's lack of runs, but it never makes it any easier.

After some of our players have been found in a nightclub (celebrating?)(, I'm now supporting Bangladesh. They're dynamic!