Thursday 17 May 2007

My new friends

One of the best things about taking time out from work has been immersing myself in brand new things with brand new people in a brand new way. It's bracing!

Now, instead of the usual corporate homogeneity, I am friends with precisely:

A. One big friendly Greek lesbian
B. One black American gay man from the South. He likes saying Giddyup! And so do I.
C. One Martin Sixsmith - the guy involved in that Jo Moore scandal and who wrote this brilliant book about Litvinenko.
D. A Humanist. A real live Humanist. He believes in Humanism.
E. Another lesbian, this time chirpy and Australian.
(I used to think - like George Costanza - that lesbians looked at me and thought 'THAT'S why I'm a lesbian' but now I'm out there laughing away with them like there's no tomorrow).
F. Two Germans and a Hindu.
G. Other people who aren't lesbians.

So there you go. My diversity quotients are so on the up. The Australian lesbian calls me 'Tiger' and this makes me chuckle every time I think of it. And part of me also thinks:

I am a Tiger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a lesbian?