Monday 30 April 2007

My Funeral Arrangements

I saw these Ghanaian coffins and have added them to my funeral requirements. I particularly enjoyed the COF019 Subaru -'a different way to speed into the after life'.

Equally pleasing was the prospect of going to heaven in a Nokia phone shaped coffin.

Whatever brand you want they can make - even blue tooth!

Other options include a saw shaped coffin for carpenters - 'take your saw into the afterlife' - or one shaped like a can of beer, for 'beer sellers'.

Or who could turn down the chance to make their final journey in their favourite shoe:

Perhaps my favourite was this though:

In death as in life - the most prestigious coffin to be buried in is that of a Mercedes Benz. It is reserved for only the most respected and the coffin Mercedes is given the same license plate as that of the owner's real one".

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