Monday 2 April 2007


It's not often that I think about Tapirs, and never in my entire 2 month blogging history have I written about them, so this is long overdue.

A baby tapir has been born at Edinburgh Zoo. It is hoped that this will help the tapir community as a whole as they are an endangered species due to the destruction of their environment by naughty man and his lack of consideration. When I say 'it is hoped' what I mean is 'I hope'.

Tapirs are hoofed mammals and are related to rhinos and horses. But they don't get the same publicity do they? Like the Tapir Whisperer or Spearmint Tapirs. Unfair.

Friendly: Vasan

I read that all baby tapirs have stripes and spots. They pull food into their mouths with their flexible noses. And they love bananas.


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