Tuesday 13 February 2007


Not the Liverpool band who sang about an ideal world, but the religious people who, come to think of it, also sometimes sing about an ideal world.

But I kind of like Christians, though I can’t bring myself to be one. I like Sunday mornings too much, and I only really like singing carols and Amazing Grace in church. I'm not convinced by the bible.

But I like it when I am with a Christian in the same way I am always slightly happier when a Doctor is in the room. I know that, if everything were to end now, I would be in the best possible hands.

Christians care. They listen. The good ones are all about moderation and reason and tone down the hating homosexuals, which is nice, and in an exciting development they've phased out the stoning of adultering women too. Certainly in the South East anyway.

They pray for you too you know. Psychologists argue that if you do a favour for someone (e.g. praying) you feel warmer towards them after doing it (which is pretty counter intuitive, but true) so they tend to love you even more afterwards too.

Good old Christians!

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