Friday 2 February 2007

The nexus of the universe

OK, just so that you know where this bus is heading, I am probably going to be talking about the following to a greater or lesser extent:

1. A good deal about nothing. And therefore...
2. Seinfeld - and its relevance to everyday life. Well my everyday life at least. And therefore...
3. Larry David - God.
4. News events - especially the type introduced with 'and finally....'. Rather funny. As opposed to paedophiles being released back into schools etc.
5. Jobs, including why do we have them, and are they any good, and how did I end up doing this?
6. Psychology - well I sort of have to don't I?
7. London - fickle mistress that she is
8. The magical sound of the Pan Pipes - never expected that did you?
9. Dogs - for we all miss the Bobster
10. Liverpool FC - the best a man can get
11. Music and
12. Probably other things, like running perhaps. Blimey, could I sound more dull? Mind you, in for a penny...
13. Statistical tests, such as the Mann Whitney, t-tests, or my favourite, a Pearson’s product moment correlation test. Gorgeous.

And we’ll be making all the stops.

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